Okay, so I came up with this fun list of questions for couples because, first of all, I love a good question game. Secondly, while I love my kids, I need some new talking points! I can’t be the only one, right?

We’re not newlyweds anymore. Scott knows so much about me. He’s heard pretty much all my stories & I’ve heard his (multiple times). Also, I’m a stay at home mom, so the only interesting thing I have to say most of the time starts out “guess what David & Farrah did today?”
And it’s not just my convos with Scott either! I swear, anytime anyone asks me something, for some reason it is impossible for me to answer without mentioning my kids! I have no clue why! #momlife right? 🤣
Sample convo:
Normal person: What’s the weather like?
Me: It’s 72 degrees, partly cloudy with a 60% chance of rain. I have kids so I check the weather hourly. That way I know if we can play outside.
I don’t even understand. I can’t just answer “oh it’s pretty nice out.” 🤦♀️
So anyway, I was in desperate need of something to talk about so I hit up the internet looking for a good list of questions to spark conversation. Turns out, most of the ones out there are pretty lame.
So I took the few good questions I found and combined them with a lot of my own and came up with this list.

45 Fun (& random) Couples Questions
- How would you spend your 100th birthday?
- The electricity goes out for 24 hours, how would you spend your time?
- Similarly, what if there was a long term world-wide power outage? What end of times skills would you contribute?
- If your appearance was altered beyond recognition, how would you prove your identity to me?
- If you could change your name, what would you choose?
- If you were famous for something, what would you want that to be?
- What movie/tv show best portrays the story of your life? Is it a comedy, drama, action, etc.?
- What would you do if someone stole your identity and you couldn’t get it back?
- You’re awake at 3am and can’t get back to sleep. What do you do?
- If you had to restart your life (relationships, education, etc.), where would you start?
- What would your life be like if you said yes to everything?
- What is your favorite super hero? Which one would you want to be?
- If you could be paid to do anything, what would you do?
- If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
- You’re stuck in an elevator for 4 hours. What items do you wish you had?
- If you had to create a blog what would it be about?
- What do you value more, honesty or kindness?
- If money did not exist, how would you spend your days?
- What are three goals you have had for over a year?
- Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
- What was the last song you sang to yourself? Why?
- If you knew you had 30 days to live, how would you spend that time?
- What would you do if a fire destroyed your house?
- What would you do if a tornado came toward you while you were driving?
- What would you do if someone broke into your home while you were there?
- What recent news story caught your attention?
- You want to surprise your spouse with sex in an unusual place, where would it be?
- Imagine you’re holding a picnic basket and you’re in the park. What is in it? (When I envisioned this, I saw a lone pack of Sour Patch kids in my picnic basket, wtf I don’t even like Sour Patch kids 🤣 )
- If you could have witnessed any biblical event, which one would you choose?
- If we could just drop what we’re doing and go do something fun, what would it be?
- If you could store up only one hour’s worth of memory in your mind, which hour of our marriage would you want to remember?
- What is the nicest compliment anyone has given you?
- You’re a photographer. How do you photograph your spouse? What are they wearing?
- What is your favorite family tradition?
- What is your earliest memory?
- Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
- When making decisions, do you put more trust in facts or in feelings?
- If you could possess any talent in one of the arts, what would you choose?
- What 5 things do you like that start with the letter “L”?
- What 5 things do you like that start with the letter “A”?
- What 5 things do you like that start with the letter “S’?
- How would you spend $1,000 extra cash?
- What would you do if you had to live on a mountain without warning?
- You live in the last TV show/Movie you watched, what was it?
- If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would you wear?
Hope you enjoyed this question challenge! Also, I know I titled it “couples,” but truthfully it can be fun for anyone to answer. Just avoid question #27 if you’re not a couple 🙃
**Also, I’ve deleted that extra #46 multiple times, but for some reason it isn’t disappearing…