I am on top of things this year. I have everything for my kids’ Easter baskets a week in advance. And, I kind of needed to too because next week is Spring break and I won’t have a moment alone to shop.

What’s in their Easter baskets?
For reference, my kids’ are 6 & 7 this Easter.
We don’t typically put a lot of candy in their Easter baskets, instead we like to put different things to get them excited for Summer. I figure, I’m gonna end up buying the water balloons & chalk anyway, might as well include them as part of Easter.
We live in a warm state, our water parks are already open, so the kids can use a lot of these things right away.

Items included:
- water balloons– we buy ours from amazon because they’re cheaper.
- puzzles– this year we got these ones from amazon, but normally we buy them from the dollar store. The dollar store has great puzzles.
- chalk– we already have tons of chalk, so I didn’t add it in this year, but we usually do. So it’s here for the idea.
- bubbles– bubbles are a staple.
- books– because the chalk was out of the picture, I decided to add books. Both my kids (especially my 7 year old) are really into reading right now, so I love fostering that. I got my son this Fly Guy book and this National Geographic. For my daughter, my kindergartener, I got this Pugtato book.
- chocolate bunny & a couple Cadbury eggs
What about the candy?
We’re not anti candy. Other than the chocolate bunny that goes in the Easter baskets, we put the candy in the plastic eggs for the Easter egg hunt. That candy then becomes our movie night candy later that night.
On candy holidays (Easter, Halloween, Christmas [stockings]), our favorite tradition is to use it for a movie night.