Can you believe 2016 is almost over? This year really just flew by! I still can’t believe my baby is already almost 8 months old!! I feel like I just had her! Even though I secretly wish we had a way to slow down time, I am excited for 2017. One of my favorite things about January 1st, is everyone’s desire to be healthy. We are all so motivated with our healthy New Year’s resolutions.

Gyms are never more packed than they are that first month after the new year. While I’m never super excited to share my favorite machines for a couple months, there is something really motivating about seeing a lot of people working toward a similar goal.
Have you started thinking about your healthy New Year’s resolutions?
Planning resolutions sounds easy, but unless you make your goals attainable, you could just become another failed resolution-er.
So when setting a healthy New Year’s resolution…
…make sure it’s specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, & time oriented. (S.M.A.R.T.)
The best goals are “s.m.a.r.t.” ones 😉
Avoid generalities like “I will eat healthy” or “I will lose weight.” Instead, think of the ways you can accomplish those vague goals and make those your resolutions.
Examples of healthy New Year’s Resolutions:
- I will walk/bike/swim [do cardio] for 30 minutes, 5 days a week.
- I will strength train for 30 minutes, 4 days a week.
- I will drink water in place of soda during every meal.
- I will drink ___ ounces of water every day.
- I will eat a serving vegetables during dinner every night.
- I will not store processed foods in my house.
- I will pack a lunch instead of eating out 4 days a week.
- I will eat a protein rich breakfast every day.
- I will eat at least half of my grains from whole grains each day.
- I will be in bed by 9pm so that I can get 8 hours of sleep Monday- Friday.
- I will write down 1 thing I am grateful for in a journal every morning.
- I will immediately replace every negative thought I have with a positive one.
- I will read my kids a bedtime story every night, even if it’s just a short one.
- I will enforce my kids’ bedtime so they can get the sleep they need.
- I will pack my kids a balanced lunch every day (even if they refuse to eat what I pack them at first)
- If I break a resolution, I will not get discouraged. I will start fresh the next hour or the next day.
These goals may or may not be some of our personal healthy New Year’s resolutions 😉
After you decide on your resolutions, be sure to plan a way to stay accountable. Whether it be finding people with similar resolutions and starting an accountability group or just blasting your goal on social media so that everyone knows about it.
Saturday 10th of December 2016
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Novels And Nonfiction
Monday 5th of December 2016
Have definitely started to think about New Year's resolutions and this post reminded me to keep them realistic. Thanks!
Lexi @ That Fit Fam
Tuesday 6th of December 2016
you are welcome! good luck with your resolutions!