The best way to set yourself up for success is to plan plan plan your meals!! Not only do I have every dinner planned out for our family in advance, but I also plan out every breakfast, lunch, and snack for us as well. In fact, I actually pack my husband’s lunchbox every day! I’m not even kidding.
Back when we first got married & were in the classic “newlywed haze,” I would wake up at 5 am to make my husband a hot breakfast before work. It was fantastic, but short-lived. A while back, I reflected on our marriage and the changes that have happened over the past few years. I only made dinners and my husband was left to fend for himself for all other meals. He definitely didn’t mind, but I felt terrible knowing that he either had 3 protein shakes til dinner or he ate something terrible for him.
Because of this, he started to gain a little wait and was obviously upset about it. Even after reassuring him time & time again that I thought he looked great, he still was upset. It wasn’t what he wanted. Since so much of achieving our fitness goals depends on what we eat, I decided I would help him get there. I now prep and plan everything he puts into his mouth!
It sounds a little crazy and sure, there is flexibility if he wants something different, but for the most part he gets to eat meals that he enjoys more (like our low carb breakfast burritos) and is on track for his fitness goals, so he feels better too! So yes, I am that wife that packs their husband’s lunchbox and no, I am not crazy! And I’m definitely not a super wife! It’s actually pretty easy. It just takes a little planning and a lot of follow through.
What’s in his lunchbox?
Okay, so Scott works too early to eat breakfast at home and is there until just before dinner. This means I need to pack a breakfast, a lunch, and preferably 2 snacks. He is also a man and stands at about 6 foot 3 inches so he has a pretty high protein goal every day. So if I want him to feel full and satisfied everyday, I need to make sure all his meals/snacks have a serving of protein in them. Carbs are also important, as are fats. The goal is to keep things full of flavor and as healthy & balanced as possible.
Here’s some sample lunchbox ideas:
Breakfast: Breakfast is our one staple. I typically will always throw a breakfast burrito in his lunchbox. This is nice because I can make them in bulk & then freeze them! Plus, he loves them. Occasionally, I’ll pack something different like I also love doing refried beans & egg whites with 2 corn tortillas. They have a microwave, so anything that reheats well is a winner!
Lunch: Lunch varies. A lot of times it is left overs from the night before. I will make extra at dinner so that I can throw it in a meal prep container for tomorrow. How easy is that? (TIP: Sometimes, I will save it for lunch the day after instead so it’s not like he’s having the same thing two days in a row 😉 My main goal here is 1 serving of protein. So that means 4 ounces of chicken or 4 ounces of turkey or whatever. That will typically yield around 20-25 grams of protein which is perfect. What I pair with that staple is solely based on his personal likes. I never do salad. Salads are for dinner, salads are for when we eat out. Scott hates having salad in his lunchbox because it makes him feel like he’s on a diet.
Some lunch ideas: chicken fajitas, burrito bowls (his fave), chicken/turkey & cheese sandwich, chicken stir fry, leftover baked buffalo wings, shrimp & spicy cauliflower rice, left over turkey burgers, chicken salad sandwich (use Greek yogurt in place of mayo-so good & low fat!) The possibilities are endless!
Snacks: Snacks are imperative. If I don’t provide high protein snacks, I’m just setting him up for failure. I keep it simple here. Usually I do one scoop of protein powder & pack a blender bottle plus one protein bar. We buy the Premier Protein ones from Costco. Those are the staples. Scott loves to have a little predictability as well. Sometimes I will switch things up and put in 1 cup of lowfat cottage cheese with canned peaches or a serving of Oberto Beef Jerky. We are HUGE beef jerky fans! Hard boiled eggs are another great one. Remember you are packing for a man, not a kid, so those fruit snacks just won’t cut it 😉 lol you need to be packing something with protein in it if you want him to stay full.
There you have it!
That’s a rundown of what I pack in my husband’s lunchbox every day. Yes, every day! And it pays off. He’s practically at where he wants to be physically and he’s so much happier. He’s also told me that my breakfast burritos really help him start his day right. He relies on them. Plus, he loves bragging about his lunch to his work friends.
If you help out your husband with this, I can almost guarantee you are the only wife in his office that does it! With a little planning, it’s not as difficult as it seems. And if you need more motivation, it will help you plan out your meals too. Just give yourself smaller portions. I do better when my husband is on point with his diet. If he deters in any way, I have been known to use it as an excuse to break my diet as well 😉
Busy Monday 256
Sunday 5th of March 2017
[…] Lose an Easter Egg Again Teen Guide — The Yummiest Easter Fudge That Fit Fam — What’s in My Husband’s Lunchbox This Mama Loves — Lamb Cinnamon Rolls Just Measuring Up — Folding Workbench […]
Wednesday 1st of March 2017
I have started packing my husband's lunches too- thanks for the ideas! He is the same way about salads and lunch- not a fan!
Lexi @ That Fit Fam
Wednesday 1st of March 2017
Hahah guys are so funny! My husband LOVES salad when we go out to eat. He will have his and mine, but for some reason he hates them in his lunch. I don't get it.